Home Icon Property Standards Committee

The Property Standards Committee hears appeals by registered owners of property who have received a Property Standards Order regarding a component(s) of their property that does not conform to the Property Standards By-law.


Board Information

This Committee is authorized by the Building Code Act and operates according to the Statutory Powers and Procedures Act.

The Property Standards Committee members are appointed under the authority of the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c.23 (“BCA”) section 15.1 at the beginning of each new term of Council. It is a quasi-judicial tribunal that hears appeals made to a Property Standards Order which was issued by a Property Standards Officer. The Committee hears evidence from both sides (the Town and the appellant) and then has authority to either confirm, modify or rescind a Property Standards Order, or to extend the time for complying with the Order, as per the BCA provided that, in the opinion of the Committee the general intent and purpose of the Property Standards By-law is maintained.

Meetings are held on an as required basis and at the call of the Chair and held at Town Hall. Any member of the Committee who misses three consecutive meetings, without being excused by the Committee, may be removed from the Committee and Council shall advertise for the vacant position. Meetings are to be open to the public in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001.

The Committee shall be composed of three (3) members. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be selected by the Committee at the first meeting. The role of the Chair is to preside at the meetings and keep discussion on topic and to provide leadership to the Committee to encourage that its activities remain focused on its mandate. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair will chair the meetings and act for the Chair as necessary.

A majority of members including the Chair shall constitute quorum.

Consideration shall be given to inclusion of the following qualifications
during the appointment process:

- Persons with legal tribunal governance experience
- Persons with land use experience
- Persons with real estate experience

Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing Legislative Services Division Office of the Town Clerk
All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Town of Cobourg Advisory Committees of Municipal Council Policies and Procedures and the Town of Cobourg's Procedural By-law. Meetings shall be open to the public except if the subject matter being considered is within a category defined in Section 239(2), (3) or (3.1) of the Municipal Act, in which case the meeting may be closed.
The Property Standards Committee will not be required to report to the Municipal Council as it operates independently from Council due to its quasi-judicial nature. For Property Standards Appeals, the appellant may appeal to a Judge of the Superior Court of Justice by notifying the Clerk of the Town in writing and by applying to the Superior Court of Justice within fourteen (14) days after a copy of the Appeals Committee's decision is sent to such owner or other person, pursuant to the Building Code Act.
Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
